Consider Soul Coaching® when:
Soul is a word we use to describe the central or integral part of something; it is the vital core. In its most profound sense, it also describes the essence of every human being. It is that place within each of us that is infinite, eternal, and universal. When what we are inside is out of balance with our outside life we can find ourselves without direction, passion or meaning anymore. We can feel like life is "a mess" or just something we can't or don't want to connect with. We lose direction. Our sense of self can get lost. Who we are inside must be nurtured and cared for. Soul Coaching® realigns you with what is inside and begins a new direction in your life. |
The Journey:The Soul Coaching® pathway takes you on a journey of discovering your essence, your calling. It clears out the clutter of your life on a mind, body, emotion and spiritual (whatever that may mean for you) level. Soul Coaching offers many ways of accessing the soul's journey, including:
Please note, that Soul Coaching® services are not psychological therapy and are not a replacement for your psychological, mental health or medical care provided by trained practitioners. Soul Coaching® services are offered as a wholistic pathway to growth. They will also not be offered whilst you are under psychological care with Dr Cassandra Schwind.